Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Merry Christmas Toni, you're going to Sweden.  I traveled by plane to Vancouver, then Vancouver to London, then London to Stockholm yesterday or the day before... I have no concept of the time right now.  Twenty eight hours later I was met by my younger brother, my nephew and a friend at the airport, and then drove two more hours.
Despite the fact that my computer said it was 11pm I got myself dressed and walked with Randy and Ben to daycare.  The sun is shining here, and the cold is crisp.  The snow is compacted.  There is a frozen over lake that people walk, skate, ski doo, or whatever across it.  We went into the small town of Nora for a little sight seeing this afternoon, Hanna, my sister in law brought us to a church with some amazing stained glass, an antique shop and walk around the streets.  Then we made it to the grocery store where I sought out the chocolate.  Cookies n'Cream .... totally made my day.
Its almost 4 in the afternoon here, and Ive decided to take a power nap to get me through to the evening.  Hopefully this jetleg with wear off soon.  

Randy, Hanna, & Ellie in the Church in Nora, Sweden

Close up of the stained glass windows

The Lake

Telephone Booth
The Church

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Classes & Workshops!

TLG Classes & Workshops
for Winter 2011

Beginner & Advanced Stained Glass Lessons
Mondays 10am - 1pm
February 28 - March 21
Instructor: Victoria Johnson

Beginner & Advanced Stained Glass Lessons
Mondays 5pm - 8pm (Please note MINIMUM of 4)
March 28 - April 18
Instructor: Toni Johnson

Introductory & Intermediate Kiln Casting
Saturday &Sunday 10am - 4pm
March 12 & 13
Instructor: Amanda Parker

Introductory & Intermediate Sand Casting
Saturday 10am - 4pm
March 19
Instructor: Toni Johnson

Glass Blowing
Saturday & Sunday 10am - 4pm
March 26 & 27
Instructor: Toni Johnson

Fancy Beads!
Saturday 10am - 2pm & Sunday 10am - 12pm
April 23 & 24
Instructor: Victoria Johnson

Multiples & Molds for the Torch Workers!
Friday 10am - 4pm
April 29
Instructor: Amanda Parker

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Tide Line Gallery wants to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year! We welcome 2011 with open arms, looking forward to the new classes coming up, new product, and traveling!

TLG will be opened regular hours started January 3.  Monday - Saturday 9 - 4:30 pm.  Closed Sundays.